Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 3 Preliminary Report

Well, we started out a little smaller this week with only 56 kids but
we're making up for numbers with great enthusiasm! Pray for renewed
strength for our coaches as they continue to seek the Lord.
We bussed all the kids out to camp this morning as we do every week to
find that a light pole had fallen down at camp (termites are amazing
here.) Well, this means downed power lines where our busses normally
pull in to unload a bunch of wild hooligans. So we stopped the busses
outside the gates and let the kids blast through the gates in a new
direction...I think we've found a new, exciting way to introdue the
kids to CAMP AMAZON! Praise God, He works in amazing ways. (By the
way, the pole is back up, the lines are safe, and somehow we never
lost power...even though we didn't have it all last night before the
kids showed up...like I said He works in amazing ways.)
More to come!